
Frida Katzenstein


of the


John F. Kennedy School

Dear Delegates,

Welcome to the Sustainable Development Committee!

During BERMUN, our committee will discuss “Promoting Sustainable Communities amid Resource Scarcity Conflicts” and “Ensuring Environmental Protection on the basis of Human Rights”. 

As global warming progresses, human rights, such as access to clean water, food, shelter, or even the right to live are being infringed upon with climate-related floods, droughts, or other catastrophes. These extreme weather conditions are drastically increasing in frequency due to man-made climate change. This poses the question, which our committee will be debating, to what extent and how governments must be held accountable if they do not use their power to intervene and counteract global warming. For example, the Swiss “Klimaseniorinnen” group sued the Swiss government in front of the European Court for Human Rights for insufficient protection of their citizens' health by neglecting climate protection. Their case passed in 2024. It is an example of how governments can be held accountable.

All in all, this will be my 10th MUN conference and my third time chairing. I love debating just as much as I enjoy helping you delegates discuss possible solutions in my role as a Student Officer. I have learned to see topics from many different angles and debate on a constructive basis, striving for international solutions on a wide array of topics. I hope to actively work with you the delegates on a personal level, making you feel comfortable and helping you achieve your debate goals. 

In my free time, I like to read, draw, listen to music, watch movies, or hang out with my friends. Apart from MUN, my hobbies include swimming, badminton, and playing the accordion. I'm 14 years old and have two older sisters as well as eight chickens, who live in my garden and are pretty tame. My mother tongue is German but I am very comfortable in English and fluent in French.

To prepare for debate, research both topics and your country's policy. Additionally, to give you a more accurate and in depth view of your country, I think it helps to watch a few movies that may give you a valuable insight into everyday life and society. To help you with your research on MUN, there are “How to MUN Videos” on the BERMUN Press YouTube channel as well as the delegate handbook. Furthermore, you can find a research report on both of the committee topics on the BERMUN Website.

I am very excited to work with my fellow chairs and with you all. I'm sure we will have an interesting, entertaining debate, and a really great time!

Frida Katzenstein

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