
Philipp Haraschta


of the



Dear BERMUN 2024 Participants,

Welcome to BERMUN’s Sustainable Development Committee!

This year's conference will dedicate itself to the theme of Fostering Global Citizenship, while acknowledging individual identities and their role in a shared community. It is clear that in an interconnected world, fostering global efforts to bridge disagreements among different players has become increasingly crucial to achieving a sustainable and peaceful world. Global Citizenship, as promoted by the UN, aims to cultivate an inclusive mindset, with individuals recognizing their role not only in their immediate communities, but also within the larger global context. ⁤

One of the topics in our committee is “Promoting Sustainable Communities amid Resource Scarcity Conflicts''. Our world's resources are increasingly limited due to the climate crises, and the resulting discrepancy between supply and demand can quickly escalate into a conflict. In many cases, unjust competition can also play a major role, namely when large companies deprive small communities in economically weaker countries of their livelihood. Ensuring the fulfillment of basic needs is the cornerstone of any sustainable living. Thus, our committee will address the crucial steps of finding common ground on how resources should be equitably distributed, addressing disparities, and providing direct assistance to civilians affected by conflicts.

But despite those dangers, our world is in a steady self-improving process, such as in regions like sub-Saharan Africa, in which water scarcity has led to initiatives such as rainwater harvesting and community-based water management that ensure equitable access and soil regeneration. Similarly, in urban areas of India, cooperative housing societies implement waste recycling and energy efficiency measures to reduce resource demand. These examples highlight how sustainable practices can alleviate resource scarcity conflicts and foster resilient communities by regulating global demand, but also by acknowledging a shared purpose of resources. Upholding the achieved progress, while also striving for further improvements becomes essential to overcome obstacles, thus supporting all citizens with rising burdens of climate change, such as poverty, lack of necessities, and personal traumas.

On a personal note, I am 17 years old and in 12th grade at the Primo-Levi-Gymnasium in Berlin-Weißensee. BERMUN 2024 will be my 17th MUN conference, and my tenth as a Student Officer. When I'm not investing my free time in being politically active, I enjoy traveling around Europe by train and exploring new cultures.

I am honored to serve as your Chair at this year's conference and look forward to fruitful debates. See you all in November!


Philipp Haraschta (he/him)

Chair of the Sustainable Development Committee

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